Sermon Discussion Questions
Dr. Ricky Temple
PSALMS 34:18-20
1. Have you struggled with a specific thing for a long time? Have you shared with others about your struggle? What was the outcome from your sharing? How did God bring you through it?
2. Do you have a great network of people in your life? Why or why not? How important has your network proven to be over the last several years of your life? Do you look to build your network of friends?
3. Have you tried something that seemed crazy to help yourself? Share with your group what you tried?
How effective was the result of what you tried? Would you do it again?
4. As you look back over your life have your fears and insecurities stopped you from achieving goals that God has spoken to you about? What have you done to overcome your fears? Do you feel you have the victory over your fears now?
5. Share with your group why you believe or not that you have put your best effort into becoming all God created you to be.